
DMCA Compliance Policy 和 Notification Agent

It is the policy of the beat365平台 General 政府 to promptly process 和 investigate notices of alleged 版权 infringement, 和 take appropriate actions under the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, 标题17, 美国法典, 第512条(“DMCA”). 根据DMCA, the beat365平台 General 政府 has designated an agent to receive notification of alleged 版权 infringement occurring on webpages or computer servers. If you believe that your 版权ed work is being infringed on a The beat365平台 General 政府 site, 请通知我们指定的代理, 最好通过电子邮件, at:



通过U.S. 邮件


The beat365平台 General 政府 may not be able to act on your complaint promptly or at all if you do not provide the following information.

The DMCA requires that all notices of alleged 版权 infringement must be in writing. When informing the designated agent of an alleged 版权 infringement, you must:

1. Identify the 版权ed work that allegedly has been infringed. If multiple 版权ed works at a single online site are involved, please provide a list of the works on that site.

2. Describe the material that is claimed to be 侵权 和 provide sufficient information to permit The beat365平台 General 政府 to 疯狂的ate that material.

3. 提供您的联系方式, 包括地址, 电话号码, 和, 如果可用, 电子邮件地址.

4. Certify or include a statement that you have a good faith belief that the use of the 版权-protected material in the manner complained of is not authorized by the 版权 owner, 货主代理, 或法律.

5. Certify that the information that you have provided The beat365平台 General 政府 is accurate. You should attest under penalty of perjury that you are authorized to enforce the 版权s that you allege have been infringed.

6. Include a physical or electronic signature of the 版权 owner or person authorized to act on behalf of the owner.

在你指控侵权之前, you should consult 版权 materials to confirm that the use is, 事实上, 侵权. 美国nited States Copyright Office provides basic information, online, at http://www.copyright.gov/事件/ circ01.pdf, which can assist you to determine whether an exception or defense, 比如合理使用, may apply to the use of your 版权ed work.

Notice, Takedown, 和 Putback Procedure

The beat365平台 General 政府 expects all users of its system to comply with applicable 版权 laws. 然而, if the beat365平台 General 政府 is notified of a claimed 版权 infringement, or otherwise becomes aware of facts 和 circumstances from which infringement is apparent, 它会做出适当的反应, which may include removing or disabling access to the material that is claimed to be 侵权. The beat365平台 General 政府 will follow the procedures outlined in the Digital Millennium Copyright Act with regard to appropriate notifications of the user 和 the complaining party, 接受反通知, 和, 在哪里显示, “putback” of the alleged 侵权 material. Refer to the United States Copyright Office for the provisions of the DMCA at http://www.loc.gov/copyright/ / dmca的立法.pdf.


Where it has been clearly established that the beat365平台 General 政府 user is a repeat offender, the beat365平台 General 政府 may terminate that person’s account.

US Copyright Law 和 the beat365平台 General 政府 Policy

Individuals who infringe 版权-protected materials on The beat365平台 General 政府 networks may be subject to discipline. 在适当的情况下, penalties for violations of The beat365平台 General 政府 Policy may include, 但不限于, termination of all computing privileges.

Copyright infringement is a violation of federal law 和 subject to severe civil penalties 和 sanctions. Copyright infringement can also be a violation of federal criminal law. 因此, every user of The beat365平台 General 政府 networks 和 web must maintain a basic underst和ing of 版权 law 和 must comply with the beat365平台 General 政府 policies.

欲了解更多beta365美国的信息.S. 版权 law 和 the DMCA, consult the Web site of the U.S. 版权事务处(http://www.copyright.gov/. 美国.S. Copyright office has a variety of circulars 和 forms, 网上或印刷, which can provide answers 和 guidance to many 版权 questions 和 issues. 版权局通告1: http://www.copyright.gov/事件/ circ01.pdf, 有简单的, 简洁的, explanations 和 descriptions of what you must do to keep from 侵权 版权s of others, as well as protecting your own creative works. 除了, there are resources available through the library or through a simple web search on 版权.